• Wednesday | March 16th 2022

    HR Rebooted

    Drive your Digital Transformation & create a modern HR organization

  • Wednesday | March 16th 2022

    HR Rebooted

    Drive your Digital Transformation & create a modern HR organization

About the CHRO Round Table

The Integration of HR & Digital Transformation | Wednesday, March 16th 2022

Drive Digital Transformation & create a modern HR organization

As any digital transformation journey is reliant upon people, HR is in a unique position to teach, connect, leverage new tools, and develop employees to keep up with the fast and ever-evolving workplace

Join Microsoft and business leaders in this exclusive round table to discuss the many moving parts to HR’s role within digital transformation, from support of the company overall to finding new tools to support departmental growth.

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Engaging Discussion

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CHRO Inner Circle Roundtable


Accelerating Culture Change

Drive your Digital Transformation and create a modern HR organization

HR & Modernization

Drive your Digital Transformation and create a modern HR organization

Hybrid Work Flexibility

Drive your Digital Transformation and create a modern HR organization

Tailoring Employee Experiences

Drive your Digital Transformation and create a modern HR organization


HR & Modernization

Accelerating Culture Change

Hybrid Work Flexibility

Tailoring Employee Experiences

Over the past year, no area has undergone more rapid transformation than the way we work. Employee expectations are changing, and we will need to define productivity much more broadly — inclusive of collaboration, learning, and wellbeing to drive career advancement for every worker, including frontline and knowledge workers, as well as for new graduates and those who are in the workforce today. All this needs to be done with flexibility in when, where, and how people work.”

Satya Nadella

CEO, Microsoft

The metamorphosis of the new work place has seen a new wave of digital transformation in organizations. The involvement of digital transformation in HR processes helps enterprises in achieving overarching business benefits.

Companies that recognize HR’s importance have found measured success and are more likely to report strong financial performance, invest in diversity at all levels, have mature strategies for succession, and establish an environment that enables productivity, collaboration engagement, revenue efficiency, and wellness.

As organizations drive their digital transformation journeys, HR leaders are critical to guide an effective talent acquisition strategy that supports collaborative, agile, diverse and inclusive teams. With the power of advanced technology and analytics, HR can focus their efforts to advance human capabilities and empower employees to do truly creative and amazing work.

Agenda 2022

The Integration of HR & Digital Transformation

Drive your Digital Transformation and create a modern HR organization

16th March 2022, Wednesday GST (UTC/GMT+4)

  • 12:00 - 12:30

    Registrations & Networking Coffee

  • 12:30 - 12:50

    Opening Keynote:

Things We Learned About the HR Digital Transformation Journey


Zeina Fakhry

HR Director,
Microsoft UAE & Saudi

  • 12:50 - 1:10

    Showcase: Digital HR In Action

  • 1:10 - 2:10

    Round Table Discussion:

HR Leaders Connection – Hear from and engage with your peers on the most topical people discussions

  • 2:10 onwards

    Networking Lunch

event speakers

Join Microsoft and business leaders in an exclusive invite-only Microsoft Coffee Lounge. This round table will discuss the many moving parts to HR’s role within digital transformation, from support of the company overall to finding new tools to support departmental growth.

Zeina Fakhry

HR Director UAE & Saudi,

Dharini Suresh

EMEA Lead, VIVA Employee Experience



Limited to only the senior most HR leaders from the most forward thinking organisations in the region, to share best practices, learn from each other and gain actionable insights to keep up with the current trends.

As an exclusive closed door roundtable experience, this event is by invitation only and only for a select few.

Exclusive CHRO Roundtable on​

HR Rebooted | Drive your Digital Transformation & create a modern HR organization
Quick Information

Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 388 5545
Email: monica@qnatraining.com
Web: www.qnainternational.com

Event Information

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